Thanksgiving is a time to reflect on what you are truly grateful for. It's a day that reminds us to stop, slow down and take stock of our lives. Are we blessed with an amazing supportive family, do we have a great group of friends, maybe we are thankful for the simple things like a yummy dinner or a sunny day off work.
Thanksgiving has always been my favourite holiday for a few reasons; Fall being my favourite season, all the local fairs, the beautiful changing leaves, the time spent with family and friends. We get to enjoy a nice dinner together with no expectations of gifts exchanged. It's a holiday that is truly about being with the ones we love and just simply being thankful for the big and small things in our lives.
What if we took this feeling of gratitude and applied it to our daily life? What if we spent just five minutes a day each morning or evening counting our blessings? How would a gratitude practice change your prospective?
I have recently started a gratitude practice and it's pushed me to look for the good in each day. Some of the things I've written in my journal; the way Mckenna pats my back when she hugs me emulating how I hug her and soothe her. One day I wrote how I simply loved Hunter's fluffy fur and how he's only so happy to let us pet him. I've written countless times how thankful I am for the people in my life, my husband Chauncey, my parents, my sisters and friends.
It only takes me less than five minutes each morning to stop and write down what I am thankful for. I hope that by doing this, it will remind me of the good in each day and the good in people. Thanksgiving is a great reminder to stop and count your blessings, and I hope to take these feelings
of gratitude and continue it throughout the year.
Happy Thanksgiving!