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Writer's pictureCourtney Carter

Top 5 Must Haves for New Moms

I was recently reflecting on the first few months of being a new mom and the things that really helped me during that time. Obviously the support of my husband and my family and friends were huge in those first days and weeks of motherhood. When I looked back I started to really think about the products that helped me as a new Mom and I wanted to share them here. Below are my top five products that I think every new Mom should have.

Fisher Price Bouncer/Vibrating Chair

Like any expectant mother I researched and researched and then I researched some more about what was the absolute best product in each category. I read so many reviews it was insane. I finally settled on this chair and added it to my baby registry. Thankfully a girlfriend of mine purchased it for us (thanks Jess!). I wasn’t able to find the exact chair we have, as they are always changing the themes of them, but this is the closest one to ours here. I found this so helpful when I wanted to take a shower! I would put Mckenna in the washroom with me and have her in this chair and she would happily stay there for the few minutes I rushed to get showered before she started to get fussy. It was also super helpful when I was making dinner or really doing anything around the house. It is a safe and happy place to put your baby when you need to and I highly recommend getting one.

This wasn't the exact chair we had but it was very similar to this.

Earth Mama Nipple Butter

Listen to me, seriously. If you skim this whole blog post fine, but DO NOT skim this part! I was terrified of cracked nipples. Yup I just wrote cracked nipples. Twice. I had planned to breast feed but my biggest fear was being ripped to pieces, bloody and traumatized. Thankfully I didn’t experience any nipple damage and I swear to you it was because of this nipple butter. Obviously a lot more goes into breast feeding and a proper latch can definitely be a huge factor, and we didn’t experience latch issues. With that said, I still swear this cream helped me so much. I started applying it after every single feed right in the hospital. I did this for months until I felt I didn’t need it anymore. It is 100% safe for baby, so you can lather this on and not worry about it. If you have any expectant mother friends who plan to breastfeed, skip the cute headbands or baby booties and give them the gift of non-cracked and bleeding nipples.

Liquid Gold! I got mine from but many baby stores carry it too.

Aden & Anais Swaddle Blankets

We had a few of these and I truly loved this brand. We used these blankets to swaddle Mckenna in the early days. They came in handy if we needed to lay her down on the carpet or if we were at a friend’s house and she needed a soft place to spread out. They were also great as a quick nursing cover, just tie two of the corners together and drape over your neck. You can never have enough blankets and these were our favourite.

There are so many patterns, you can find them online or in store.

Zipper Onesie/PJ’s

Mckenna lived in PJ’s as did I for the first few weeks…no make that first few months of her life. This was a tip I had heard before and I didn’t really understand it until she arrived. Do not buy button up onesies or PJ’s. I repeat no buttons! If someone gives you a cute onesie with buttons, thank them and smile, then sell it on Facebook Marketplace and take that money to go buy your baby a zipper onesie. You’ll thank me when you are changing their diaper for the 5th time in the middle of the night and not fighting with misaligned buttons. Zippers all the way.

Ergo Baby 360 Carrier

Again I can’t tell you how much I researched this product, but honestly it was one of the best things we purchased. I got mine second hand for a third of the price, I only paid $50 when normally it runs over $200, here is a link to the exact one we have. I then purchased the infant insert which wasn’t too expensive you can get that on Amazon or Well here. We used this so much and we actually continue to use it! We went to Italy when Mckenna was only 4 months old and we didn’t even bring our stroller, we only had this carrier and it worked out perfectly. I highly recommend this product.

We used this carrier all over Italy. As you can see Mckenna slept though most of that trip!

There you have it! These are the top five products that I felt were invaluable for me as a new Mom. I know there are tons of other items that you may need or want, but hopefully you found this list helpful.

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