If you have been hearing about the Last 90 Days and wondering what exactly it is, I'm here to share all about this amazing life changing challenge. If you aren’t familiar with this challenge, it was created by author and motivational speaker Rachel Hollis from The Hollis Co.
The concept is simple, what would it feel like if you ended your year as motivated and inspired as most people start their year? In January everyone is full of ideas for the year to come, maybe they want to join the gym and start working out? Maybe they are making resolutions to read more books, watch less TV, eat healthier, quit smoking, the list goes on and on. Generally the beginning of the year is the time when we do our best to make positive changes in our life. What would your 2020 look like if you ended 2019 already working towards these positive changes?
Rachel has outlined some key steps that she feels help people truly live their best lives and she calls them the 5 to Thrive.
1) Hydration – drinking half your body weight in ounces every single day. So if you are 150lbs that is 75oz of water or 2.2L.
2) Waking Up Early – giving yourself an extra hour in the morning before anyone else is up.
3) Give up one category of food for 30 days. This could be something like cookies or ice cream.
4) Move your body for 30 minutes every single day.
5) Practice active gratitude with a gratitude journal.
I recently read both of Rachel Hollis’ books “Girl Wash Your Face” and “Girl Stop Apologizing” and they resonated with me. I like her style of writing and her no bullshit approach to self-help. So when she started to discuss The Last 90 Days on her social media I jumped on board.
I am now on day 18 of the challenge and honestly I am really enjoying it. It has pushed me to stay committed to something important, my physical and mental health. Even though I am enjoying it, it’s definitely not easy.
I am waking up every day at 5am to get my workout in, complete my gratitude journal and start my water intake. I’ve given up cookies for this month and that hasn’t been easy either. I was hit with the flu one week into the challenge which threw me off course. A set back like this in the past would have had me pack it in, but this time I decided I needed to stick with it and prove to myself that I could. So what if I missed a couple days as I recovered from the flu, that doesn’t mean I have to quit. I gave myself some grace and got back into my routine as soon as I felt better.
It is the last 90 days of the decade. The DECADE! Let that sink in for a minute. How do you want to start off the next decade?
I want to end this year strong so that I can hit the ground running in 2020. I am committed to this challenge and my hope is that after these 90 days. this will be my new life. Setting aside time for myself each morning to move my body and write out what I’m thankful, to take time to write my goals and dreams, I think that is a pretty great way to start every day.
If you aren’t already, follow along with my last 90 days on my Instagram Ellabethco. I share my journey and my daily workouts in my stories. I hope this inspires you to take some time for yourself each day!