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Writer's pictureCourtney Carter

I see Hope.

I had written a different blog post that I planned to share today. However, something has been on my mind the last couple of days and I felt compelled to write about it. I don’t know, maybe someone out there needs to hear this? Maybe God or the Universe is saying write this and send it out there. So here goes!

January feels like a new beginning, a fresh start and I love that about this month. I don’t love the freezing temperatures here in Ontario, but I do love the feeling of hope that comes with the start of a new year.

I see this hope in so many ways.

We have a large bay window in the front of our home and I often look out to see the same people walking their dogs or taking their kids to the park. This first week of January I have noticed new people walking the block, more people walking their dogs and just generally more movement happening outside our window. People are likely starting out the year with their resolutions, to get fit or lose weight or just simply be more active.

I see these new faces outside my window as hope.

Chauncey is an avid gym goer. He’s at the gym at least four or five days a week. He notices that come January, the gym is full of new people working out. For someone who is dedicated to going to the gym, this could be very annoying. You are now waiting for the machines and the weights. The first thought that could come to your mind might be, the gym will be “back to normal” when all these people quit showing up. Isn’t that a sad thought? Just hoping that these new strangers fail at their goals? What if we shifted our perspective and silently rooted for them to keep showing up?

I see hope in these new faces at the gym.

If you look closely enough you can see this hope, this desire for a better year ahead or an improved life. I think we should cling to this hope all year long. If come February you look back over the last four weeks and you feel like you are already failing at your resolutions or the goals you had set out for the year ahead, its okay. It’s okay if you stopped going to the gym or you ate more donuts than salads or you haven’t gotten your spending habits under control. Give yourself some grace.

Give yourself some grace, but get back up! Remind yourself that it's only February and you have 11 more months to go. Every single day can be filled with hope. Every single day is a fresh start. Get back up! I have fallen victim to this way of thinking. “Well I haven’t worked out this week, so the month is a right off.” Don’t do that to yourselves.

It’s okay to fall behind on your goals, but it’s not okay to give up.

I will be silently cheering for all of you. I see hope in you too.


I feel compelled to end this blog post by bringing attention to the current crisis in Australia. The county is on fire. They need hope and hope in the form of donations and prayers. Please go to this Facebook fundraiser link and donate what you can. Every tiny bit helps. My sister lives outside Sydney, so even though Australia feels a world away, it's not for us. Our family is there an we are worried. Please help however you can.


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