I wanted to write about a goal I completed just last week. I started getting back into working out at the end of last year. I ran a couple 5KM races and started with some home workouts. I was using Yoga with Adrienne (she’s amazing!) and her free videos on YouTube. I also started working out with Fitness Blender, also free workouts on YouTube that I would recommend. I committed to doing the Last 90 Days which you can read about here in a previous blog post. Overall I was on a better track with my fitness.
I have never been the best at attending a gym. I sign up and pay for the membership for months and never go. I finally gave up on ever getting myself to the gym and I felt home workouts just work better for me, especially with a busy toddler running around. At the end of last year I started to follow a few motivational fitness people on my Instagram. There was one person that was working out every single morning without fail! I reached out to her to see what workouts she was doing and she was doing home workouts with Beachbody. If you haven’t heard of Beachbody they are the people behind the P90X and Insanity workouts. They now have over 700 workouts on their app and it’s about $100 for access for the year. I decided to sign up in January. She let me know that there was a group that workout virtually on Zoom together and they also connect on Facebook for accountability.
Accountability was the one thing that I was lacking with my home workouts. There is something about having a workout buddy that motivates me. When I see these other women working out every day I feel more motivated to get my workout in. They cheer me on “virtually” and keep showing up for me even though we have never met. I first completed the 21 Day Fix workouts in January and I liked them but I didn’t love the instructor. For home workouts I think it is so important to actually like the instructor! After completing that program in mid-February, I looked at the Morning Meltdown 100 (MM100) workout and decided I wanted to try to complete the entire program by my birthday at the end of June. I gave myself some buffer room as I have never truthfully worked out consistently in my entire life. I’m glad I did because I became very sick in mid-March and lost a couple weeks of working out.
I showed up nearly every morning, sometimes skipping a day but making up for it with a double workout the next day. The workouts did get progressively harder week after week, but I really enjoyed the instructor and the fact that most workouts were 30 minutes or less. It was fairly easy to fit it in prior to Mckenna waking up for the day. I find it much easier to get my workout done first thing in the morning.
I’m happy to report that I did it! I finished all 100 workouts by my birthday! It wasn’t easy and there were many days I didn’t want to workout but I showed up anyways. I am the first to admit that I lack motivation and on the days I was unmotivated I just got up and did it anyways. I have searched high and low for a program that I really liked. This one worked for me and I think it was a few factors; the quick 30 minute format with an instructor I actually liked and the accountability of the group. If you have any questions feel free to reach out here or email me: courtneybethcarter@gmail.com